Influence is that moral or spiritual force, or power, by which we have an effect upon a person. The power of influence is staggering! Webster defines influence as "The acts or power of producing an effect." Human behavior is POWERFUL!
There is nothing more impressive than the influence of a pure Christian life. It is the most powerful, undeniable argument for Christianity; read carefully Matthew 5:13-16. Here Jesus is saying that the citizens of His kingdom are to have a saving influence in the world. Salt is good and useful for purifying and preserving. Faithful followers of the Christ are to the human race what salt is to food. They are to preserve the life of Christ in the world.
Jesus said if the salt has lost its genuine salty quality, it is fit for nothing; this is the reason it is cast into the street where it is trodden under foot of men. So, if the disciples of Jesus have lost their savor, they, too, are good for nothing, but to be cast out. The salt of Palestine is not made from clean salt water, but from marshes along the sea, and is so mixed with impurities as not to keep its quality very well. Sometimes it becomes utterly worthless, without taste and without value; it's good for nothing, but it actually destroys all fertility wherever it is thrown. This is the reason why it is cast into the street. A Christian who doesn't have that saving influence in the world is good for nothing, but actually destroys the cause of Christ! If Christians become untrue and degenerate spiritually, they cannot have a good influence on the world. Christians should guard against losing their identity in the world; rather, they are to influence the world to become Christ-like. The Christian is not worldly, but he is always touching lives of the world.
The world urgently needs worthy examples of Christians. Christians are to imitate God in purity in order that the world may see God living in us! How is your influence????