"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13). The Jewish people saw a change in the apostles. They boldly told the people of being guilty of killing the Son of God (Acts 2). Even though they were unlearned, they could with boldness and spiritual knowledge confront the Jewish leaders. WHY? Because they had been with Jesus! The same principle is still at work among the disciples of Jesus today. Just as the Jewish people saw a change in the apostles, do people see a change in us? Can they tell we have been with Jesus?
Do they see a change in our life serving God and doing His will, or do they see the same person doing the same things in life as he/she did before? It is the Christian's responsibility to serve God, not mammon (Matthew 6:24). Serving God means serving Christ, which in turn, means following and living for Christ (John 12:26). It is mockery to claim to be a servant of Christ while living in disobedience to Him (Luke 6:46). Living for Christ demands us to live differently. Are we walking differently, or are we walking the same path that we followed before being a Christian? Can people see a change in us? Can people see the difference from church and the world?
Elders and deacons, are you being the best examples living before the flock? Do you study, try to convert others, give generously, attend gospel meetings, and assemble every time the doors are open? Sadly, some are not! No wonder why members think it is unimportant to do these vital things; it is difficult to follow that kind of leadership! Members, are you being the best examples to the world (Matthew 5:13-16)? Elders and preachers should not have to beg Christians to study, to try to convert others, to give generously, to attend gospel meetings, and even assemble regularly. True servants do not have to be begged.
Brethren, we are to change our inner man which results in a change of our daily living. We are to be holy in all manner of life (1 Peter 1:15). We cannot live in a "twilight zone"!