Lack of Knowledge
By Jimmy Pettigrew

     God had a controversy with his people because there was no knowledge of Him in the land. "Hear the word of Jehovah, ye children of Israel; for Jehovah hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor goodness, nor knowledge of God in the land." (Hosea 4:1) The basis for destruction was the lack of knowledge. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children." (Hosea 4:6)

     It was not that knowledge was not available, but that they had rejected it and it is seen as a rejection to God! Indeed, knowledge is priceless! "Receive my instruction, and not silver; And knowledge rather than choice gold." (Proverbs 8:10) The knowledge of the ways of God is always a greater possession than material wealth like silver and gold. The things of God are always best for us. Thus, only “fools hate knowledge" (Proverbs 1:22). But, "Wise men lay up knowledge..." (Proverbs 10:14) "For wisdom shall enter into thy heart, And knowledge shall be pleasant unto thy soul" (Proverbs 2:10). "For wisdom is a defence, even as money is a defence; but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom preserveth the life of him that hath it" (Ecclesiastes 7:12).

     God intended that knowledge play a vital role in the lives of His people. We are to be (1) "filled with all knowledge" (Romans 15:14; Colossians 1:9); we are to abound in knowledge (2 Corinthians 8:7); We are (2) to grow in knowledge (2 Peter 3:18; Colossians 1:10). Knowledge is one of the (3) Christian virtues we are to add to our lives (2 Peter 1:5-11). In fact, God places such a premium on knowledge that the word “knowledge” itself is the key word of one of the epistles - 2 Peter. In fact, God places such a premium on knowledge that He told Israel that (4) He desired "Knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings" (Hosea 6:6).

     How is your knowledge of God’s Word? "Can you prove when and where· the church was established? Where is Jesus’ sermon on the new birth found in the New Testament? Who was the first Gentile convert? Who accompanied Paul on his first missionary tour? A test was conducted with a freshman class at a College Bible department, in which 91% of those who took the examination were members of the church. Some of the results obtained from this test are interesting.

     1. 33% of the students did not know that Jonah was a prophet who was on a ship bound for Tarshish and 33% did not know he preached in Nineveh.

     2. 17% did not know Romans was the sixth book in the New Testament.

     3. 31 % did not know that Jude follows 3 John.

     4. 55% did not know who wrote 2 Timothy.

     5. 45% did not know who wrote Revelation.

     6. 21 % did not know that Isaiah wrote Isaiah.

     7. 56% did not know that Luke wrote Acts.

     8. 20% did not know that Lydia sold purple.

     9. 92% did not know that Christ's conversation with Nicodemus on the new birth is found in the gospel of John.

     10. 87% did not know from which cities Moses sent the spies out against Canaan.

     Let us notice some of the curses and tragedies of ignorance. (1) Ignorance was one of the sins which crucified Jesus (Acts 3:17; Luke 23:34; 1 Corinthians 2:8). (2) Ignorance alienates one from the life of God (Ephesians 4:18). (3) Ignorance precipitates the establishment of one's own righteousness (Romans 10:3). (4) Ignorance causes the individual to err (Matthew 22:29; 2 Peter 3:1-9; Acts 17:29-30). (5) Ignorance leads people to wrest the scriptures to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). (6) Ignorance causes people to be destroyed (Hosea 4:6; Isaiah 5:13). (7) Ignorance will keep one from being converted scripturally (Matthew 13:15). (8) Ignorance will cause people to ultimately be lost (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10; Acts 17:30-31).

     With ignorance prevailing as it does among members of the body of the Lord, let us now read Hosea 4:6 and tremble: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge. I will also reject thee.”

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