About Our Purpose

Our emphasis is spiritual, not material or social…

     We are not concerned with the building of pretentious architectural monuments to human pride. Our building is merely a tool designed to facilitate our work and worship. While as individual Christians we seek each other’s association socially, the church is not a "front" for a social club or agency, and therefore the Lord's treasure is not used to promote social functions. Our aim is spiritual (1 Pet. 2:5; 1 Tim. 3:15).

We strive to be the same church described in the New Testament…

     It is our purpose to be completely identified with the Christians of the first century. We believe this to be possible to all who will learn, believe and be guided by the plain teaching of the word of God. Jesus declared such to be "the seed" of the kingdom (Luke 8:11). A fundamental truth in nature is that a specific kind of seed will always produce after its kind. For example, wheat will produce wheat; corn will produce corn. In like manner, the word of God, when planted in the hearts of honest people, and obeyed, will produce Christians just as it did in the first century -- nothing more or nothing less. We are human and therefore subject to error, so we recognize the possibility that we may be wrong in our application of the scriptures. But if we can be shown — by the scriptures — where we are wrong, we are willing and anxious to change.